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creating a cmpany website

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My dad is starting his own company up, and wants me to do his

website for him, I am just trying to find a few sites that would make

a nice profesional website. If it helps he does structrured cabling, telecomunications, data etc.

Any advice or suggestions would be thankfully recieved.

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

Do it yeself, Ginge. If I'm reading ye right and ye asking for one of those sites where they offer to 'design' a site for ye? I've seen stuff coming out of such outfits that I'd be ashamed to have my number on. And they charge a fortune for such rubbish.


It's not so hard to make a site. Especially if ye have a programme like FrontPage or DreamWeaver. That way ye get to build it from the ground up and make it just how ye envisage it. Or ye can just pick one of their templates (like those firms do) and dress it up a bit to ye own preferances.


Maybe I have it all wrong and ye want a site to copy from? If so, again, that's so personal a perspective I doubt anyone could really give ye a satisfactory answer. Bit like asking, " What shall I call my Dog."

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Uncle Bill can help...and for free


No, no, no! not Microsoft! Their coding is c***! No wonder they are for free!


If you 'right click' on a web page you can 'view page source' and at the very top it tells you what web language its written in...


1. Uncle Bill -

<html dir="LTR"><head><META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"><META name="MS.LOCALE"



2. A website with up-to date type coding -

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"




Google is more likely to find something on a search thats got validated coding like 2. or better still XHTML Strict ...... and I think you can set Dreamweaver so it will use XHTML

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I think you'll find the code is XHTML and kick ASP.NET mate :tongue2: and all you need do is follow simple instructions and not buy fancy pants web software :tongue2:


As my great uncle used to say to my dad...Gates William :haha:

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Hi TF if you follow this link you'll see what the website validator at W3C thinks of the coding on the opening page for microsoft.com !




Failed validation, 49 Errors


But I agree you don't need 'fancy pants software' - my website is written in notepad with a couple of browsers open to see how it looks online whilst I'm writing it....

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